Contact Grammy-Nominated Mixer | Engineer | Producer – Joe Ayoub 



Head Engineer at World Famous Cherokee Studios



I specialize in transforming your raw tracks into sensational, polished songs that demand attention.                   


I'll create a coherent final master that will translate in any type of listening environment. 




In the world of music, the fine line between pride and embarrassment, recognition and obscurity, success and stagnation hinges on one crucial factor – how your music sounds. 

It can be the defining factor in whether you ascend to the next level or remain stuck in a cycle of local anonymity.

That's where I come in. I specialize in transforming your performances recorded in a pro, project, or home studio into sensational, polished songs that demand attention. 


The music industry presents an intensely competitive landscape, where even your favorite bands become your rivals.

 By including pitch correction, timing alignment, and meticulous track editing, your songs can stand shoulder to shoulder with the best.

 Neglecting these crucial steps puts you at a significant disadvantage. However, with a little magic, this process can catapult you from obscurity to stardom.


As your producer, I prioritize your musical vision by overseeing all aspects of the production process. 

We begins with careful studio scheduling to ensure seamless alignment of sessions for everyone involved.

 I assist in sourcing and crafting the ideal sounds, whether it entails selecting from various amps or determining the perfect drum sound to achieve your vision. 

Throughout the project, I vigilantly monitor the schedule to ensure timely delivery without sacrificing quality. 

My dedication to organization, meticulous attention to detail, and unwavering commitment to excellence guarantee a smooth musical journey and a final product that surpasses expectations.



Why Hire Me?

Let's do this!